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Yarbo revolutionizes your all-season yard maintenance with its automatic modular yard robot.

Why We Began

Yarbo was born from a vision to address the persistent challenge of snow removal, a task in high demand yet lacking effective technological solutions. It led us to ask, "Why not us?" By automating snow removal, we pave the way for all yard maintenance tasks to follow suit. Our dream is to revolutionize toward a future with fully automated yards that minimizes manual labor and maximizes technological integration, allowing you more time to cherish moments that matter.

Why We Began

Yarbo was born from a vision to address the persistent challenge of snow removal, a task in high demand yet lacking effective technological solutions. It led us to ask, "Why not us?" By automating snow removal, we pave the way for all yard maintenance tasks to follow suit. Our dream is to revolutionize toward a future with fully automated yards that minimizes manual labor and maximizes technological integration, allowing you more time to cherish moments that matter.

How We Innovated

How we Innovated
Developing the world's first robotic snow blower posed significant challenges due to its innovative nature and the diverse scenarios it must navigate. Without prior experience in sound engineering or a fully established supply chain, every component, from electronics to auger and tracks, had to be designed from scratch. Through countless experiments, bug resolutions, rigorous field testing from snowy landscapes of varying compositions to different driveway sizes and terrains, we painstakingly crafted Yarbo Snow Blower.
How we Innovated
Beyond snow blowers, we pioneered the yard robot with a modular design. The challenge of creating other modules like lawn mowers was intensified by a highly competitive market. Delving into the core needs, we aimed to distinguish Yarbo and exceed expectations. As a result, a lawn mower with an extra-wide deck and advanced power was crafted, undergoing field tests from small suburban lawns to expansive landscapes on hills and farms.
How we Innovated
For blue-ocean products, we strive to set ourselves apart with cutting-edge features; for new innovations, we embrace risks and venture into uncharted territories. With these principles at heart, Team Yarbo is dedicated to continuous exploration.


The company was founded.
Refinement of the idea for the world's first autonomous snow blower.


Concept V2

Definition of the project for an autonomous robotic snow blower and developed the Snowbot prototype.



Concept V1


Concept V2

The Snowbot prototype enters the testing stage.


The Snowbot is exhibited at spoga+gafa in Germany.


Snowbot passes testing, with the autonomous snow blower functionality fully validated.


Launch of the public beta version of
Snowbot S1.


Snowbot passes testing, Officially changed the company name to Yarbo. Evolution from Snowbot to Yarbo, raising over $3.45 million through a successful crowdfunding program.


Yarbo is showcased at CES.


Over 1,000 Yarbo Snow Blowers are delivered worldwide.

New Release

Introduction of more modules

and continued growth of the Yarbo community.

How Yarbo Communities Bond

Genuine Friendship
Yarbo users aren't just customers - they're part of Team Yarbo, our valued friends. We care deeply about creating value for them in solving their yard maintenance challenges. Our hearts are with the elderly and disabled facing dangerous yard care tasks, deserving our utmost attention and care.
Co-creation Journey
Their feedback fuels us, driving our team to engage passionately with users through online messages and onsite visits, each time providing us with fresh insights into our work. Their thoughts and suggestions are treasures and sources of inspiration. Genuine feedback, in the absence of experience, forms the bedrock for the growth of our innovative products. They're our product managers in the making.
Shared Future
United by a vision of automated yard care, we appreciate their trust and early support. Together, we're journeying towards a future of co-created innovation. Join us in this exciting endeavor as we pave the way towards a fully automated yard care system!
Genuine Friendship
Yarbo users aren't just customers - they're part of Team Yarbo, our valued friends. We care deeply about creating value for them in solving their yard maintenance challenges. Our hearts are with the elderly and disabled facing dangerous yard care tasks, deserving our utmost attention and care.
Co-creation Journey
Their feedback fuels us, driving our team to engage passionately with users through online messages and onsite visits, each time providing us with fresh insights into our work. Their thoughts and suggestions are treasures and sources of inspiration. Genuine feedback, in the absence of experience, forms the bedrock for the growth of our innovative products. They're our product managers in the making.
Shared Future
United by a vision of automated yard care, we appreciate their trust and early support. Together, we're journeying towards a future of co-created innovation. Join us in this exciting endeavor as we pave the way towards a fully automated yard care system!

What Motivates Us

Shared Purpose
At the heart of our mission beats a shared vision — a strong belief in the game-changing power of cutting-edge technology to address real-world challenges. The call for yard robotics is crystal clear, a vision that gets continuously validated and deepened through interaction with our users. We are shaping what we envision as the future of yard maintenance.
Pride in Creation
We are proud of what we made: a product entirely crafted from scratch, yet featuring infinite possibilities. Our commitment to developing this innovative and demanding product stems from a passion for setting new standards in the robotics industry. Every meticulously crafted detail in this intricate product represents progress made each day, instilling a sense of accomplishment with every forward stride.
Exceptional Team
Behind Yarbo stands an extraordinary team embodying intelligence, integrity, resilience, and foresight. Their skills drive our groundbreaking efforts, their unwavering belief fuels our success, their determination keeps us on course, and their vision propels us beyond current trends to create a lasting impact in robotics and beyond. They are our priceless assets.
What Awaits Us

We are facing a challenging yet promising journey ahead. After delivering over 1000 Yarbo in winter 2023, our aim is to expand its reach, making it an affordable and widespread equipment for people worldwide. Achieving this goal demands enhanced product stability, superior performance, and controlled costs - a significant challenge for our young company. Nevertheless, we are confident in the path we have chosen and believe that with more individuals sharing our vision, we can make a lasting impact on the industry, the world, and future generations.



"We visited a user who had suffered severe burns, leaving her with just one arm. Despite this, she was able to install and operate Yarbo to blow the snow! That moment grounds me - Yarbo is not just about the revolution and a future vision, it is now making a real difference for people in need."


"We tested Yarbo during this massive storm and were super excited. Yarbo managed to clear the snow in the midst of the storm, a task beyond human capability. That's the beauty of technology, turning the impossible into possible!"


"I remember when I received the first after-sales call at 3 am in the morning. It was a tough one for me and the entire customer service journey that winter started from here. I feel like we were moving forward slowly, but looking back, we've really come a long way."


"Customer feedback we've received this year is crucial to me, as it's a reflection of our work and guides our next steps. It's a survival challenge for the entire company. Fortunately, we've done pretty well. I believe that we're on the right track, about to make a significant impact, and will even lead The 4th Industrial Revolution."


"One of my most memorable moments was when I didn't speak up and stick to my own ideas, causing us to waste time and end up with unsatisfactory results. This happened while developing a new product, but it taught me to always start from the foundational logic and theories, and stand by them."


"When I was flying back and forth between China and America, running numerous tests and updates, those moments really meant a lot to me. Countless adjustments have led to the Yarbo we have today, and I always feel like we can never test enough. Bugs are our friends."

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